Honesty Is Always Best

Let us take the example of the football legend, the self-proclaimed God, Diego Maradona. He was an exceptionally talented footballer. However Maradona’s most controversial goal, the hand of God goal, led to him being criticized by people from all over the world. This event is one of the primary reasons why he is not considered to be the best footballer ever. Amusingly, experts firmly believe that this one single incident marked the beginning of the end for the legend. 
Then let us look at the popular and famous president of the U.S, Richard Nixon, who got involved in the Watergate scandal. He authorized a burglary of the Democratic campaign headquarters in the Watergate Hotel. It was typical political dirty trick. But the repercussions led to him breaking down on national TV and facing impeachment from his office of power. He became an object of ridicule. Richard Nixon will never be remembered for all the good things he did for his country. One wrong move and he went from famous to infamous.
I could continue listing more such instances all day long but it is important that we realize is that these people adopted dishonest means and later regretted it. Why? They suffered the consequences of their actions because the world did not accept it. The world opposed their dishonesty. Why did the world oppose their dishonesty? Because the people of the world believe, just as I believe, just as I am sure most of you here believe, that dishonesty is wrong.
Nowadays, one may be led to feel that maybe the days of good are gone and darker days are upon us but it is not so. We feel this because the agents that inform us of the day to day news have the tendency to focus only on the evil that is done all around us. Unfortunately, The good is often neglected.

Many people say that honesty is the best policy, but is that true all the time. Being honest can hurt people's feelings, for example if someone is wearing something that looks ugly and asks you how it looks, you would most likely say it looks nice instead of telling the truth and hurting their feelings. Many people think that in todays' world the only way to make money or become successful is to lie! I know that is wrong because there are successful people today that do not lie and are honest. Honesty "is always best" some people say, I think that honesty is best in most cases, honesty can build trust and relation ships whereas dishonesty can hurt or make people feel bad. Many people say that parents lie to their kids about "Santa" or the "Easter bunny" and those things, but it is not really counted as lying, because it is helping and not hurting. Most parents wait to tell their kids about Santa until they are old enough to handle it, if a parent never tells their kid then it would be considered lying. What can you think about someone who is not honest with you? People that you work with, your employees or even your employer is not honest with you? What do you think about these people, how do you feel towards them? Do you look up to them or think they are cool? I do not like dishonest people they are jerks, you can not confide in the, and you can not trust them. If your employees are not honest you can not rely on them to get anything done. If your employer is not honest he might promote someone esle that he likes better than you but is not qualified at all! If you ever find the you have been dishonest you need to fess up, and let people know. Most people will forgive you and will start to build trust with you again. I think that honesty is always best.

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